Friday, December 2, 2011

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ !

Can you feel it? A special crispness in the air, a spring in everyone's step, a twinkle in children's eyes that doesn't necessitate an opthamologist appointment. It's the most wonderful time of the year: my five and a half year anniversary with my boOoOoyYYyFrrRriIiIiIiend who I kkkIIiiiIIissssSSSs on the moouuUUuttTThhh! The world is in a FRENZY of excitement right now! The mall parking lots are NUTS.

Here's a recent photo. Get a room, am I right?!

Yes, we're still in love after all these years and a half. How could we not be? He's a human male with a symmetrical face, and I'm a girl who spends a lot of time talking about her severe orthodontic work. We're a match made in heaven! And best of all, he`s definitely real and exists so shut up.

Often people (also real) will say to me, "You've been in a relationship for over 2,000 days!" Great question! It can be a real challenge to form meaningful connections, in today's modern era of sexting and pizza you have to bake yourself at home, but with a positive attitude and a stylish, well-aligned jaw, love will find a way. And it will find the way even more directly, avoiding construction and drinking and driving roadblocks, with my helpful advice. Visit for more details!


Q: Is looking for Mr. Right on the internet a good idea?

A: If you're trying to meet a compatible, life-long mate, then your odds are slim, but if you're trying to meet Sebastian Right of Brampton, Ontario, he's out there and would love to see a video of you in an old-timey bathing costume (bonnet optional), fully submerged in a tub of gravy (chicken or beef only).

Q: How do I keep my relationship fresh after all these years?

A: Look for activities that you can do together, like couples' yoga, cooking classes, monster truck rallies, underground fight clubs, experimental invasive surgeries, or good old-fashioned hard drugs.

Q: Why won't he call?!

A: With all of today's tools for communication, it's no surprise that Mr. Edison's famous telephone machine is often pushed to the wayside. Why, I'm sure if you check your fax machine or singing telegram vestibule, you'll find a message from your sweetheart awaiting you! If not, pork his dad.


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